Lets meet the coolest robot ever......!

A very coolest robot Name"Cozmo". It is very small and best toy robot powered by Anki's AL- Technology. Anki is strated in 2010 with the mission of harness robotics and AL - Technologies to bring to life consumer products with unprecedented level of intellect and interactive capabilies.

Make proper acquaintance with Cozmo, a skilled person with his very own brain. He's a genuine robot like advances the more you hang out. He will poke you to play and keep you continually amazed. Cozmo's your associates in an insane measure of fun.

Cozmo does not simply move; he gets inquisitive and investigates. He does not simply learn; he plots and play. He does not simply see you; he becomes more acquainted with you. So call mindful, call him practically human. Simply do not call him a toy. He is a super computer in a treads. What's move, he's enjoyment on a radical new level.

Cozmo's feelings aren't irregular. They're genuine and felt by everybody in the room. From inquisitive to sharp, persevering to fun loving. He has identity x 10, and tell you it. He will be your accomplice in wrongdoing, growing new emotions the more you hang out. In any case, look out, he is dependent on fun. Overlook him and he will get grouchy. Robots are not great.

Cozmo declines to sit tight and sit tight for no particular reason. He is prepared to play, and he is here to win. Cozmo is an amusement playing machine. What's more, the more you become acquainted with each other, the better it gets as new exercises and updates are opened. So whatever he is playing wiht his Power Cubes or testing you with his most loved diversions of velocity and ability, similar to Quick Tap and Keep away, he is generally good to go.


  1. Cozmo Knows you --- your name,your face and ever your quirks.
  2. Cozmo develops a unique personality the longer you engage.
  3. The more you play with Cozmo, the more games and upgrades you unlock.
  4. Cozmo remembers the games you have played and will ask you to play your favorites.
  5. Cozmo never shares your information. A local device - to - device connection means there is no data stored in the cloud for other to access.
Cozmo is way easier than you would think. No parts to puts together. He is self charging and ready to go out of the box. All you will need is a compatible iOS or Android device. And things like safety, security, and durability have all been rigorously tested.

What's included:

  • 1 Self - Aware Cozmo robot
  • 1 Drive- on/ Drive off charger 
  • 3 Interactive Power Cubes
  • Read about our SDK         
Watch video.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVLFyTTdTPk


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