
Showing posts from May, 2016

Google: Good news for gamer and video streamers Google Presents the new I/O 2016 Android N OS which will be best ever........!

In Addition to other things discussed amid the opening keynote of the Goggle I/O 2016 engineer meeting will began in Mountain View, California Yesterday, the tech monster's agents really expounded with respect to the up and coming Android N OS which is planned to began talking of on select gadgets this fall. One of the huge oddities incorporated into it is the local backing for the Vulkan API, an open source cross-stage 3D illustrations and registering application programming interface created by the Khronos Group. Essentially, Vulkan was intended to exploit the multi-threading capacities of present day processors and supplant the current Open GL ES standard in the business. Vulkan can be utilized for both registering and rending and its gives designer significantly more alternative to make their products more effective in each feeling of that word. As far as diversions, that  Implies better illustration and execution.             ...

Apple: Its amazing that new Apple's developer center open in Hyderabad which beneficial for all Developer Students.......!

Apple's CEO Tim Cook announced the opening of another office in Hyderabad that will concentrate on advancement of Maps for Apple items, including iPad, Mac, Watch. This venture will quicker maps improvement and make up of 4,000 jobs.                                                                               Apple CEO Tim Cook said that "Apple is centered around making the best items and administrations on the planet and we are excited to open this new office in Hyderabad which will concentrate on Maps advancement. The ability here in the neighborhood unbelievable and we are anticipating extending our connection and acquainting more collages and accomplices with our stages as we scale our operation."

Google: Interesting " A balloon provides Internet worldwide" that project called "Project Loon" ...........!

                                           About "A Project Loon" A large portion of us think  about the Internet as a worldwide group. Be that as it may, 65%  of the population does not yet have Internet access. Project Loon is a system of inflatables going on the edge of space, intended to associates individuals in rustic and remote Zones, fill scope crevices, and bring individuals back online after calamities.                                         The Technology Project Loon inflatables coast in the stratosphere, twice as high as places and the climate. In the stratosphere, there are numerous layers of wind, and every layer of wind fluctuates in heading and speed. Nut case inflatables go where they're required by rising or slipping into a layer...